
Hey there, welcome back to the Python basics tutorial! So far you've seen a lot of functions be used throughout the series, although you may not have noticed them. Some inbuilt functions in Python are print(), input(), max() and min(), all of which you've already seen being used. A function is like a small piece of code that is only executed when you call the function. You can call the function as many times as you want.


The structure or syntax of a function as we'll call it while programming is like this:

function_name(data, more_data)

We put the function's name, and right next to it, without spaces, we pass data separated by commas and enclosed with parentheses.

We can, for example pass more data to print than just a single string:

print('Hello', 'World', 'Davy', 'Jones')
# Prints "Hello World Davy Jones"

The data we're passing are actually called arguments. Now, how do you define your own functions?

def say():
    print('Hello, World!')

We use def to say, "Oi, I'm defining a FUNCTION here!", followed by the function's name, and since we do not need any data to be given, an empty pair of parentheses, followed by a colon :. Then we indent the next lines to show that they're part of the function definition.

Run the code. What do you see? Nothing! As I said, the code is only executed if you call the function. How do we call it then?

def say():
    print('Hello, World')

Now you should see "Hello World" being printed.

Alright, you have to admit, that's not really a useful function. Let's accept a value.

def say(name):
    print('Hello', name)

say('Jack Sparrow')

So, we put a variable called name inside the parentheses when defining the function. After that, we use it just like a regular variable. You probably noticed that we never assign anything to the variable. So, we pass the string "Jack Sparrow" to the function, which is automatically assigned to the variable name, and we can print it out. The variable we put inside the parentheses while defining the function is called a parameter and the value or data we pass to the function via those parameters is called an argument.

Let's try to add more arguments, shall we?

def talk(name, age):
    reply = 'Hey there, ' + name + '! You\'re ' + str(age) +' years old.'
talk('Jack Sparrow', 21)

Simple, right? Let's make an adder:

def add(a, b):
    print(a + b)

add(9, 10)


Returning from functions

So far we've been using functions to print values directly. What if we wanted to save the value to do something later? We would make the function "return" a value.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

Here, we use the return keyword to return a value. But where is it? You have to receive the value too, usually with a variable:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

answer = add(1, 3)

Nice. We have a working and actually useful function now.

A return is the end of a function. You cannot use any more code after a return. You can use an empty return to exit from a function before it ends.

Optional arguments

You can use optional (aka keyword or named) arguments too. You just fill in a default value, if that argument is not given, the default value is used.

def food(fish, meat='Chicken'):
    print(fish, meat)

food('Tuna', 'Beef') # Prints Tuna and Beef
food('Salmon') # Prints Salmon and Chicken

def food(fish, meat):
    print(fish, meat)

# TypeError: food() missing 1 required positional argument: 'meat'

As you can see, if we make meat a positional or required argument, we HAVE to pass a value for it.


If you call a function within the function it's called recursion. For example:

def factorial(num):
    if num == 0:
        return # Exit if num is 0
        return num * factorial(num-1)

Hopefully if you paid attention during math class, you know what's going on. In the last line, we call the multiply num by the output of factorial(num-1) which multiplies num-1 with the output of factorial(num-1-1) and so on...

That's recursion! If we didn't specify the exit condition, the function would go on and on until we reach the recursion limit. Recursion is generally not recommended, and you should use loops. But again, there are always exceptions.

That's it for this lesson. You'll see a lot more in the upcoming chapters, such as how to receive a potentially infinite number of arguments.

I'll leave you with that cliffhanger there :)

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