Ternary operators , *args and **kwargs
Hey guys, welcome back to the Python basics tutorial! Today I'll tell you about ternary operators and args/kwargs.
Ternary operators
When your assigning a variable based on a condition, you'll use a if/else block. Well, you can fit it into one line too. The structure of a ternary operator in Python is:
This may decrease readability though. Let's see an example:
There's a significant decrease in size and readability.
*args and **kwargs
So far if you wanted to make an adder, you would specify two parameters. But if the user wanted to add three numbers? In that case, instead of adding a bunch of named arguments, you would use *args.
Basically, when you want an indefinite amount of arguments, instead of using positional arguments, you use *args:
Two things to note here, we only use a star with args when declaring it as a parameter, NOT when using it in the function. And, we also see a new function here: sum
. It just adds all the elements of the iterable (such as a list) that is given to it.
Remember, *args only takes arguments as positional ones, not named ones.
*args returns a tuple.
**kwargs is a bit different. It only takes named arguments. You use it the same way as *args. However, *args returns a tuple, while **kwargs returns a dictionary. So, if the user called your function like login(username='John', password='harrypotter')
, printing **kwargs would show {'username': 'John', 'password': 'harrypotter'}
and you can access the username with kwargs['username']
*args and **kwargs can be called anything (except for a keyword of course) but it MUST have a star or two starts respectively in front of it.
You've almost finished this course, just a few more stuff, and we'll be done.
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